Aug 2023
·New videos of White Lotus theme arrangement
My full orchestra arrangement of the Cristobal Tapia de Veer's White Lotus theme just made it to youtube, watch it here!
Aug 2023
·My full orchestra arrangement of the Cristobal Tapia de Veer's White Lotus theme just made it to youtube, watch it here!
Aug 2023
·Recently announced: Anna Ridler's Circadian Nocturne, for which I composed an accompanying sampled orchestral piece, will be shown every night at three minutes in Time Square. The music will be heard in the square on the night of 13 October, and will play every night on the accompanying app. Announcement and info here.
Aug 2023
·My orchestral piece, first commissioned by LA Phil but delayed since covid, will be premiered in Manchester on 26 October, conducted by Thomas Ades alongside his own music and Janacek's Sinfonietta. Details here.
Man with Limp WristJul 2023
·My arrangement of Cristobal Tapia de Veer's White Lotus theme has been released digitally online by Platoon, with the Philharmonia cond. Oliver Zeffman.
May 2023
·Tidal has included The Patronages on it's Classical: RISING playlist. See here.
The PatronagesMay 2023
·Oliver Zeffman's Live at the Science Museum concert, featuring a new commission by me and recorded live last year, is now out on streaming platforms. All the links are here.
Why Do You GrieveMay 2023
·I've released The Patronages, recorded with Joseph Havlat and Cecilia Bignall, on streaming platforms and on my bandcamp today: more info is here.
The PatronagesApr 2023
·Platoon have released a visual album filmed live at Oliver Zeffman's Music x Museums concert, Science Museum. It includes my Why Do You Grieve, watch here:
Why Do You Grieve